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Catalogue of Merchandise

Ervald the Optimistic
The Ironfowl Songbook, Vol. 1

$6.95 + 2.00 P&H


Lord Ervald the Optimistic has entertained SCAdians from Pennsic to Estrella, Ostgardr to Calontir, and there and back again with his songs, stories, and unique sense of SCAdian humor.

This CD contains 7 songs of SCAdian silliness (and one serious one). It also comes with a cartoon-illustrated lyrics sheet and a free Captain Zorikh trading card.

1. The Ballad of the War for All the Cookies
2. Crown Tourney
3. Journey That I Seek (Squire's Song)
4. Oh What a Beautiful Pennsic / Broken Rattan Blues
5. Dear Fast Eddie
6. Sir Rhino
7. Song of the Pizza Wall

All Lyrics (c) Zorikh Lequidre

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